Fall of Palpatine

This week’s game was against our store manager who has been playing 40k for years! He has lost his love for it a little and wanted to try Legion. We have good strong following at the store and had seen how the missions changed in every match. More importantly was not just a kill fest. This was going to be his second game of legion ever! He had made his list without any feedback since he likes to learn the hard way.


My list

I had not changed my list since the last game I played. I wanted to see how it would perform on its second outing knowing full well what I was about to face.

Anthony’s Wookie List

This list is a total of 59hp vs my 42! That is without taking into account any cover, Armour, dodge tokens or red saves! I’ve never played again Yoda or the flutter crafts before so will be an interesting learning experience. I feel like if I can soften up the wookies before they arrive. My IRG and palp can easily finish them off. Yoda I imagine is just a slightly different version of Palp but not sure if his dice are as scary. The naked clones I will just ignore since they are there because they must be. This is Anthony’s second game of legion he plays 40k very competitively so I know he can play strategy games. I’ve been told not to hold any punches either.

Turn 0

Battle Lines, Clear Conditions, Intercept The Transmission

Anthony wanted to go for Limited Visibility to help his wookies get to me untouched. Along with the flutter craft getting a turn to move forward without getting shot. Long March is very bad for Palp since he is so slow that was my first ban. Anthony quickly followed up with Hostile. Now I didn’t want to play recover supplies because if Yoda gets that and speeds 3 away from me, I have no chance of catching and killing him. I didn’t want to play disarray since splitting my force is bad. So, it was an easy decision to ban Limited Visibility.

Turn 1

Size Matters Not vs Coordinated Fire

I wanted to shoot them flutter crafts out the sky as quick as possible. Then I could focus on shooting wookies next turn. Anthony said “He is going to try something and find out if it works” which I laughed at. I said “sure let us know if you want any tips or anything” which he declined. I opened fire with my Mortars on the middle flutter craft to give extra aims to the shores. Before the first craft had even managed to activate, I had already done 3 wounds. He triple moved it forward threating me for next turn. I returned the favour with Gideon shooting and killing the flutter craft. The other two triple moved but one down each flank so I had couldn’t focus a second one down.

The Crazy idea Anthony did was double move right behind the middle market stalls. This was interesting since I now had the choice of shooting Yoda with my IRG or the flutter craft. I decided to try and put some wounds on Yoda. But he was able to save the one hit that got through cover and the dodge token.

We had both decided that we were going to fight over the same two objectives. He had deployed 1 unit of wookies to contest the other objective. While I had put both my sniper teams at that end of the board.

Turn 2

There Is No Try vs And Now You Will Die!

I asked Anthony before either of us picked our cards did you want to know any of Palp’s command cards. I said this because I didn’t want him to feel bad about me playing a gotcha card. He was fine and said he is worrying about learning his army before he starts learning other armies first. I was happy to play my 1 pip knowing I could get 5 attacks. Fully expecting it to be enough to kill Yoda.

First attack scores 4 hits he is in light cover and spends his 1 dodge token. Yoda fails 1 of the two saves. Okay 1 wound per an attack that will be fine. I can make this trade work. Second attack now Yoda is in heavy cover due to the suppression. I get another 4 hits and he failed 1 save again so far so good. 3rd attack score 3 crits so saved the aim for the next attack. Yoda saves all 3 this is not good at all. From my next two attacks I make him roll 5 more saves only for them all to be saved! So I took 4 wounds Yoda took 2 and this was my big play of the game.

Anthony went with Yoda next and only cleared 3 suppression out of 10 so didn’t panic. Only 1 action still is the only saving grace! He used burst of speed moving forward triggering Force Wave scoring 4 hits. 1 went away for my suppression 2 for guardian leaving a 50/50 chance for palp to survive and…..Palp died to Yoda. Yoda then was in range 1 of my shores so forced pushed them into Melee. I charged my IRG into Yoda hoping they might be able to do a few more wounds. But alas only managing to do 1 more.

Anthony then went with the wookies who flipped their shield and charged head long into my IRG since I had moved even closer and ripped 2 and half IRG apart. My shores did manage to kill 1 of the flutter craft before it activated. Anthony used the last flutter craft to bomb the IRG in melee while also flying over Gideon killing 3 shores. The naked units of clones decided to shoot and kill the heavy and put a wound on Gideon as well.

At the other end of the board. The two sniper teams managed to score a total of 1 wound on the wookies due to the armour. The snipers did manage to secure that objective but were stood less then range 1 from some angry wookies. One unit of clones had double moved to the middle to secure the objective. While Yoda secured the other objective making the score 2-1 to Anthony

Turn 3

Luminous Beings Are We vs Push

I needed to go first before even more things died. Hoping to attack with IRG before they died and maybe killing Yoda. The two remaining IRG attacked Yoda and with all his dodge tokens took 0 damage. Anthony then asked what the point of Guidance was. I explained he could Guidance wookies with a move who then got to charge. At which point he said so with my 1 pip I can Guidance wookies twice rather than attack/move with Yoda! His brain then started realising some combos he had not seen before. Anthony also didn’t know about standbys so I also explained how that combo would work with Yoda’s 3 pip. Which he replied “Yoda is busted” I laughed but agreed while picking up my dead models.

After explaining some of the possible combos Yoda still only had 1 action which he took a standby with. So I went with a unit of shores for the wookies to rip up the remaining IRG. On the wookies actual go they charged into some shores. They spent Yoda’s aims and killed that unit for their second action moved into melee with the mortar.

The remaining flutter craft did some bombing runs. Managing to kill some more shores and hurt the mortar along with the naked clones. The wookies at the other end of the battle wiped one of the sniper teams out.

Turn 4

Size Matters Not vs Standing Orders

This turn was not a great turn for me. Yoda had cleared enough suppression by now to have two actions. So he killed a mortar then charged some shores leaving the leader alive. The wookies charged another mortar killing that unit. The wookies on the far flank killed the sniper team but not before losing 1 model! The flutter craft tried to kill my remaining model, but he refused to die. With Anthony scoring all 3 points to bring the VP to 5-1 and me having 1 single model left on the table I conceded.


This list is interesting after playing against it. If you focus the flutter crafts down, then the wookies and Yoda manage to get across the battlefield safely. If you focus the wookies and Yoda then the flutter craft, make it across the battlefield. Who then can give out 3 suppression via displacement and two overrun attacks. Which is 4 red 4 white dice per a flutter craft.

I think my biggest mistake was playing my 1 pip early and expecting to kill a force user with it. Even if I had waited another turn for my 1 pip. I think I would of still been conceding at the end of turn 4. Just with a couple extra models left on the table. In all honestly I think I should of conceded at the end of turn 3. The list Anthony is running is a pure example of the amount of armour and melee that is in the meta. This palp list can not deal with both skews at once. So back to the palp drawing board for now.

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