Return Of The Blog

okay so I’ve not made a blog post in nearly 3 months. I did start typing up two blogs about tournaments but never finished either of them. So third time is a charm right?!

So apart from two tournaments one at 7th City in Nottingham and hosting one of my own in Milton Keynes. I have also been a traitor and been trying a few other game systems. Now this is far from losing any interest in Legion. I think before Christmas I played so much, I burnt myself out. So I started looking for a side game to play.

Other Games

Age Of Sigmar 3.0

The first one I’ve tried was Age of Sigmar 3.0 (AoS). Which if you have not heard or played before it’s a high fantasy and magic miniature game. Now this is what got me back into miniature games just before Legion came out. I did enjoy seeing the models I had painted several years ago on the table.

The game system is quite simple. Each model hits on and X and wounds on a Y and does Z damage. They have added some missions, so the game is not quite kill things but is nowhere near as tactical as Legion. The main fun point I found about the game. Was just the fact each unit tends to roll lots and lots of dice. The main negative point I found with the game is it’s a typical Games Workshop game of I go with everything, then you go with everything. Combat is a bit more alternating with each player picking a unit to fight with. After each game I’ve just found that it had fun moments. It just does not have the same in-depth tactics or balance as Legion.

Bolt Action

The other game I’ve recently been playing is Bolt Action which is a World War 2 miniature game. The models are not very high detailed but don’t need to be. The game itself is very simple all attacks hit on a 3+. Then if you moved before you shot it’s -1. If your target is more than half range it’s another -1 etc. Once you have hit you roll to wound and there are no saves.

I found that things don’t die very fast but when things did die it was impactful to the game. The game also has a similar suppression mechanic to legion. The most interesting mechanic I enjoyed about the game is how you determine what unit to activate. Both players put 1 dice for each of your units in the same bag. Then you draw a dice and who ever colour dice it is you activate one of your units. So this can lead to you activating 2-3 units one after the other. Then your opponent does the same. This leads to some interesting reactive tactics having to be done during the turn.

What I found with both games was that they just lacked fun elements from legion. Bolt action was missing a big hero or something doing amazing over the top fun stuff. While AoS was missing in depth tactics and missions and objectives that change each game. Then the next game of Legion I played I enjoyed even more.


Aiden’s List

The game that I played recently and made sure to take some photos. To encourage me to write this report up. The game was against a new Legion player at the club and this was his second game. The list he brought to the table is far from what I would of expected from someone’s second game.

This list is great all over. It has the makings of all the current meta things. Ion spider droids, if you have not heard recently why these are good then you must be new to legion! Maul is up there as one of the best force users in the game. (not that I’m very good with him) All due to the three actions along with the two one pips. All of this is backed up by a big body of b1 bodies. What I love and not seen in a while is a B2 unit with the HA and T-series. Kalani’s main job is just to strategize and give out two aim’s and dodges every turn. Most likely to the spiders so with the orders they will always have two aims. I think the twist in this list is the Improvised orders. This helps when things are in the bag, and you accidently pull Maul and you can put it back for something else.

Aiden’s list

My List

In my recent game’s I’ve been trying to find things that are not just putting spider droids in a list. Playing with droids against spiders. Without Ion was going to be interesting, but also a test to see if the list will work.

For my list the bulk of the lifting is going to be done by Dooku with the double Magna Guard. While the B1’s try to support and claim the objectives. The T-Series is there to just give dodges to Dooku and lets him keep 1 a turn. With both the Magna’s always taking a dodge at the start of the turn. With the potential of keeping a dodge and if Dooku has not spent all of his they can start the turn with 3 dodges. So Situational Awareness seems like a good choice. Protector is there to make sure Dooku gets to the engagement as safe as possible. The Comms Jammers and Smokes where to spend spare points. With the idea of the smoke to help provide mobile cover as they advance. Upon arriving prevent orders from being given.

Turn 0

With my 2 point bid I choose blue player to use my deck. Mainly because I wanted to avoid any vehicle deployments. With Aiden having maul I didn’t think he would suffer to much from my objectives either. With my army being melee focused I banned Major Offensive to get as close as possible. Aiden Didn’t like the idea of Recover the supplies since he had vehicles. I banned Hostage since with us both having force users neither of us had an advantage and preferred payload. With the last ban being for Aiden he didn’t want to be red player going into sabotage. So decided clear conditions would be better.

Danger Close, Payload and Clear Conditions

Turn 1

Do Not Underestimate Our Means Vs Standing Orders

With payload there was no surprises of where they went down. I picked the lake and Aiden picked a building at my furthest point. It was going to take the full 6 turns for us both to score max points. I deployed all of my B1 with the payload stretching the chain. So that when I placed my T-Series he was in range 2 to get an order to start the chain. While also being in range of Dooku for vigilance.

While the whole of Aiden’s army deployed opposite my B1’s. We had a piece of terrain blocking line of sight from the spider droid’s which was a saving grace. Due to the deployment of the spider droids they didn’t get to shoot this turn. The only biggest shot of the turn was from the unit of Magna guards hiding with Dooku. Popping out and shooting the B2’s and killing 2 models due to only being able to see one model and the leader.

Turn 2

Mechanized Incursion vs You Disappoint Me

The B2’s decided to go early before I killed anymore and shot Dooku. Unfortunately for him with the guardian and having dodges on Dooku no wounds where dealt. I had the opportunity to keep Dooku fairly safe by engaging the B2 unit. I was concerned Maul would force push me out to then get shot by all his b1’s. So I doubled moved a unit of Magnas up to be in range of Dooku from the back. Then charged the B2’s with the other unit of Magnas. Always leaving a unit to protect Dooku who only had 1 dodge token left.

I decided to pop out my B1’s to get some open shot on Aiden’s B1’s but scored only 2 hits. In return a spider droid shot them and killed 6. There was a lot of B1’s exchanges, but after the dust settled only a unit of B2 died from a charge from the Magna’s. Maul moved closer with a saber throw to kill 1 models after spending dodges. Dooku then used his card ability to Drag Maul into melee

Turn 3

Duel Of The Fates vs Fear, Surprise, Intimidation

Having done 2 wounds to Maul. If I could finish him off here then It would be a big turning point early on the game securing the win. I Zapped a unit of B1’s and Maul was left on 1 health. Who then Attacked dealing 3 wounds back to Dooku and then Double moved away hiding from all shots. Spiders where now in a good position. With the first one killing a unit of Magna’s while the other Ion the other unit. My B1’s were moving up with the payload while also being able to contest his at the same time. This did mean I was giving up shots to outnumber him on the objectives. The only shot I decided to take was with one of my sniper B1 units on Maul in Heavy cover. I scored a surge turning into the lucky crit… leading to a 50/50 Red save. Which lead to a deal Maul!

End Game

With the death of Maul and not moving his payload while I continued to move mine. Aiden had 4 wounded units of B1 plus the spiders. While I had only lost 1 unit of b1’s and 1 Magnas. We decided the game state was not going to change much more.

I think along with playing around the terrain the biggest advantage for me was just the spiders being deployed so far back. This enabled me to avoid being shot for a turn. With being droids with no ion myself this felt like an advantage. Dooku showed me how much of a board he can control and also dominates other force users.

For Aiden’s second game I didn’t have to hold back which was surprising and also a great challenge. I don’t think he made any mistakes apart from the deployment of the spiders. I think he should have placed them first near the payload rather than divulging. He was very passive with Maul which worked well. Better then how I play Maul for sure. I look forward to my next game against him.

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