First Battle Rep


My list

Since the big points update and changes and the arrival of Spider droids. I have been trying a few lists for the upcoming tournament at the end of the month. So tonight, I decided to bring Kraken with triple Ion spiders.
So, breaking the list down by choices.
Kraken because override here is going to be key for the turns with the spider droids don't have an order. Which should only be on Krakens 1 and 2 pip. Aggressive tactics in this list I'm not 100% sold on yet because we are giving orders to the spider droids who don't need it. So, I'll see how much of a payoff I get this game with it before I look to swap it. I've taken Vigilance because I found in my last game, I used strict exactly 0 times. But I did have turns where after strategize or retinue I had a dodge left over.
B1 droids are my main gun line. I've chosen two snipers since they can join the spider droids at range 4. The uplink squad is to help with order control and gives an extra aim where I need it. 
Sniper teams were chosen because of kraken long range override helps guarantee that pierce easier. 
MagnaGuard are here as my melee counter along with Kraken if a Jedi or wookies turn up. Otherwise, they are just going to be firing a rocket and keeping Kraken alive.
Here is the fun unit in this list 3 spider droids. I'm hoping to have orders on all 3 units on my 3 pips. I expect to lose one by the time I play a two pip. So I should be getting some good value out of the Linked Targeting Arrays(LTA). I chose Attack Protocols because they synergise with the LTA. Having precise 2 means I only need 1 aim and for my second action can recover.

Opponants List

So, this is what my opponent Chris put on the table. Now I did apologise to him in advance because he brought such a heavy army list to my Ion List. He does have a lot of impact so If I could kill the T-47 and the AT-RTs first then this game would become a lot easier.
With both lists being 800 points, we did a roll off for blue player and Chris won but chose to be Red player. Now this was the first time I've ever seen that happen! With the recent changes I think it will be more common. This is one reason why I have Sabotage The Moisture Vaporators in my deck.
The Battle Card Choices
With the way things were dealt I was feeling confident. My list is a lot of range 4 so didn't want to get rid of Long March. Key Positions mean's my vehicles can score so fortified was the weakest of them all. Chris didn't like Minefields with his limited health pool vs my horde of droids. Leaving Supply Drop which I love! I banned KP fully expecting Sabs to be banned which means we are definitely playing Long March. If he chooses to play Sabs then being blue I'm in a good spot with my big gun line. Chris didn't like the idea of Sabs so did as I expected. Meaning we were playing Long March, Intercept the Transmissions with Supply Drop

Deployment and Turn 1

Standing Orders vs Oribtal Strike

Excuse the unpainted Droids
I decided that since this is one of my weaker order cards for this list let's play it early. Chris wanted to go last since he had less activations and didn't want to not move into range of my Ion guns. With Long March there is not much shooting turn 1 and this was still true till the last couple of activations. Cassian took a shot at my STD doing a wound. Only to be healed off by one of the repair droids. I moved one of my spiders forward to shoot some rebels who ran into the forest to pick up a box. An AT-RT moved forward but fell short. This enabled one of my other spider droids to move and shoot him due to override. Now the important part of this Turn was Chris managed to go last with his Speeder and did 3 wounds to one of the spiders which I couldn't retaliate against.

Turn 2

Ambush vs Do Not Underestimate Our Means

Turn 2
I played my STD 3 pip to recover the two droids who shot and also give them all aim tokens. Chris gave the order to an ATRT and the speeder spent his uplink. He went first with the speeder shot then double moved. Unfortunately for Chris he only got 6 hits with 0 natural crits or surges. This would have been enough to kill it but I managed to save 2/3! Meaning it was alive on 1 health. My first activation was to go with some b1's and repair the damage. He then went with the AT-RT with the laser cannon. Hoping to finish off the pesky spider droid scoring only 2 hits and again me saving 1. 
At this point I started activating the spider droids and double ioned an AT-RT. Put a single ion on the other along with a few wounds. The rest of the turn was me loading up aims onto the MagnaGuard and looking for crits on the T-47. The MagnaGuard managed to score 5 wounds by themselves with 3 aim since they got in range 2 of the T-47. Who was safe from the Ion guns just not the rest of my army. Chris had managed to score the middle objective to start the scoring off 2-1.

Turn 3

Push vs Assault

So many droids
I decided I wanted orders on the Spider droids since they needed to recover and shoot. By doing this I have an aim as well. While Chris wanted to put orders on the ATRT before I shut them down with Ion again. Between the AT-RT's and the Wookies getting involved he managed to kill 1 and disable the other. Not that it needed to move again since it could fire onto the middle. This turn Chris decided rather than trading shots with my sniper teams with Cassian. To shoot the spider droids and realised he should have been doing this from the start. Since he managed to kill the second one with Cassian

Turn 4

Volunteer Mission vs Mechanized Incursion

The end times
With Chris now down 5 activations and this being a scoring round. I started moving my B1s up and shot at the wookies. Chris was going to struggle to contest the middle objective with what he had left. We both agreed it was obvious that he just did not have enough firepower left to stop me claiming it this round. It was going to get worse moving into the final two turns. So, we called it there.


I think I had an advantage from the start with the list match up. This improved with the deployment cards for turn 0. I think Chris had the right idea on hanging back with the vehicles as late as he could. Unfortunately, not waiting long enough. We discussed that maybe he tried to go a bit too early on the middle objective moving into my gunline. I'm enjoying this list and trying to find its weakness. I've now played against two heavy armour lists and won both. I'm hoping my next couple of games will be against things with no armour. To see if the list still functions as well or is just a good anti Bus/Armour list.

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