Battle Of Geonosis

This blog is going to be a little different since It’s very late. I was meant to do this post about a month ago. Since it is going to be about November’s tournament that I ran at Wargames Workshop in Milton Keynes in the UK. I run a monthly tournament here, but this is the first one since I decided to start my blog. The Star Wars Legion at the store has gone from strength to strength. When I first spoke to the store 2 years ago about running an event they were happy for me to organise it and run the events. They would keep a weekend free every other month for me.

My first event I had 8 people then my second had 12 and it kept on growing from there. We even got to host a prime championship at my store where we sold out 24 tickets. With first place (3rd place actually) walking away with a ticket to the world championship! That never took place unfortunately due to covid.

When in person gaming returned the store approached me to run a tournament every month instead. Since just before covid we had a regular local player base of about 10 players but was selling out every tournament. During covid I ran some local TTS leagues. To help try keep players interested with prize support from the store as well. Now we are playing in persion again. I started a local league where we had 18 players sign up and my monthly tournaments are still selling out.

So, to all the people out there who are trying to grow your community all I can say is be warm and welcoming. Run demo sessions where people can use your armies. More imporantly during these sessions put things like Vader, Luke AT-ST or any big vehicle on the table. This makes people see the game and then start asking questions.


You can find all the lists and where people came in the above link. I’m going to give my opinion and feedback on the top list, My favourite list and our local meta.

Favourite List

Aleks list

I picked this list out of the 14 lists (had 4 players drop on the day due to illness) because you can see he has built this list to try and tackle all types of lists. Lando lets Luke bring all his cards if he wants to plus some extras. I would of put vigilance on him rather than a scanner. I think Lando should be shooting rather than supporting. That is a personal preference and playstyle choice (I also don’t play rebels). Luke can single handily carry a game so is always a great choice.

The fleets are to just look after objectives and pad out the activations. I think Veterans and the turret are good dice pools. They give some good critical to help try and deal with any armour or things in heavy cover. I’ve also recently been caught by the Blaster fire supporting. The z-6 is there to add some more firepower. Personally, I would try and find the points to put the DLT in instead and also helps keep the units at range 3.

Sniper teams are good for activation padding and help vs clones and empire. They will feel very lack luster against any droid match ups. The wookies are always great and everyone is taking these at the moment. So a good choice but maybe missing offensive push or tenacity depending on how you play the unit.
Finally the AT-RT is there to help against armour. Now I think 1 is not scary but at least helps give the impact. With the fire support of the turret can give 6 black 1 red impact 3 and surge to crit.

I think with a few changes and in the right hands this list could do really well. It showed by Aleks at his first tournament managing to go 2 wins and 1 lost.

My Games

I got to play in my tournament which is always fun and exciting. This can also be a problem if you get lots of judge calls for my opponents. I always disclaim that my opponent should just do their activation and roll any dice they need to, and I will trust them. This helps keep the pace of the game going even If I do get any Judge calls. The other benefit is I get to play when there are odd numbers in ticket sales. I will be the first person to drop if ticket sales are even numbers.

Game 1 against Andreas

Wookie meta is here!

Andreas wanted to be Red player, so we used my deck. So, we ended up playing Hemmed In, Intercept The Transmissions and Supply Drop. I knew them Wookies were going to be my biggest threat. If I could kill them or bog them down and keep activations up then I could control the objectives.

Now I will take this chance to reiterate there are down sides to playing in your own tournaments. In the tournaments I run I allow 15mins for setup before the clock starts. 2hrs to play the game round. 15mins to finish the round you are on until hard dice down. Now we had a few people cancel last minute and also a few people late. So I was not sure if I was playing Andreas. Or if he was going to play the other person waiting for there opponent. So we missed out on our pre setup time.

Now for our game I did apologise to Andreas because even with the above we only managed to get to round 3. Which is not great for a competitive game the game is balanced around 6 turns. Then during turn 1 there was lots of shots and neither of us lost an activation till turn 3. His wookies charged my Magna guard and scored a full 9 hits! I spent two dodges and then rolled 6 saves as an example of why things where not dieing.

At the end of round 3 my activation count was high enough. That all my b1’s just double moved to the middle objective to score and Andreas could not win. Now if we had started on time and both been a little quicker in a full 6 turn game. I think he would of won this game. He played really well, and I think time was the only thing that beat him that game.

Game 2 against Dave

Dave’s Double Bubble List

I love Dave’s painting scheme for his whole army. Everything is painted in shore trooper colours. The commanders have been converted as well and is a good theme to play against. He also loves boba and has him in every list. Dave has been tweaking this list over the last couple of tournaments. He is getting better with it and a better player each time I’ve played him now.

We ended up playing Intercept the transmissions, Clear Conditions and Advance positions. This game went a lot better for me then my last. I managed to control the engagements from the left. While keeping them at range and only being able to shoot my Spiders. Who got healed as soon as they had been damaged. While they in turn shot everything up on the right flank of the center building. Dave’s red dice were worse at saving then Andreas white dice saves. So, things where dyeing very quickly letting me build up an activation advantage. This let me control the middle objective again to secure the win.

Game 3 vs Richard

Richard Vader Dewback and AT-ST list

This list is scary on so many levels and crazy it all fits in one list! Operative Vader with the dewback triple spur combo from his two pip. A 4 gun AT-ST shooting every turn while the royal guard protect the dewbacks and Vader. Also Richard is a good player so was looking forward to this game.

We played Payload, Minefield, Roll Out. Richard placed his AT-ST quite far back beyond range 5 of any of my spiders. He pulled the AT-ST after I had moved one of them forward. So he moved shot and did a total of 2 wounds. His attack dice were not playing ball. This then meant I followed up with an ion shot back. meaning for turn 2 it had 2 actions. While I was also getting some sniper shots onto Vader and again Richard’s defence not helping early on. I played my 1 pip to go first with my spiders to recover and shoot. His AT-ST was now ioned for the rest of the game while the dewbacks charged me. My magna guard and Kraken managing to kill 1 dewback. The other being stuck in melee with some B1’s waiting to die. The rest of the game was Vader not wanting to step out since he was on 3 health already. No dewbacks alive and the AT-ST stuck with 0 actions every turn. Was a good game to play but did feel bad for that AT-ST.


Everyone had a really good day of legion and lots of prizes were won. I came second since Tim beat me on Bp by 0.06. In the new year we are hoping to have 4 rounds at the tournament. So that we always get 1 clear winner for our 18-man tournaments.

Prize Support

With regards to my list the 3 wins here now takes it 8-0. I know it works so I will try and find another list I enjoy and works as well as this. So, when it comes to the next big tournament. I have some options depending on how I feel the meta is at the time.

By the time you read this we had already had our december tournament but booking for the January one are available!

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